Mountain Home

Address: 2045 CR 1351, Silverthorne, Colorado, 80498
Be sure to use this address in Google Maps to get an accurate location. Other mapping services may not have updated or accurate location information for the property.

Location: Summit County, on the east side of the Gore Range, ~8 miles north of Silverthorne

Contact Information:
Emmy’s mobile: (303)-550-5669 / Michael’s mobile: (720)-384-4352
Note: There is no cell phone reception at the house/in the area, but the house does have satellite phone service. The house number is (970) 724-7242.

Webcam (at Betz cabin, with current temerature): Betz cabin webcam

DRIVING DIRECTIONS from Denver: (~90 minutes)
1. I-70 west to Dillon-Silverthorne-Route 9 exit (~60 miles)
2. Route 9 north (towards Kremmling and Steamboat Springs) ~7.5 miles to Rock Creek Road (on left)
3. Rock Creek Road ~1.5 miles to cabin (at any turn opportunity, go UP). Stay on main road to ranch gate (a log lodge is just inside the gate, on left). Then Circle counterclockwise around ranch meadow like this: after passing the log lodge, cross the dam, pass a small one-room cabin on your left, and STAY LEFT at the nearby fork. Then pass a house with a blue roof on your left, then pass a few barns and several houses, finally reaching a log cabin (with an octagonal window in the gable) on your right (marked as “Betz cabin” on the map–it belongs to Emmy’s parents). Turn left and go down the hill past a grey house (which belongs to Emmy’s sister) to the second home on the right, which is brown. It is just before the “cottage” marked on the map below.


The house is stocked with cooking essentials, toiletries, and sheets and towels. There is also a hair dryer, high chair and large selection of toys.

Please take your shoes off in the house to help keep the dirt level down.

And please leave us a note in our guestbook!

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