Category Archives: Uncategorized

I did some math: average prime powers among counting numbers

In the past few days, I’ve seen a couple of good little math problems posted on Twitter. I follow a number of mathematicians, including James Tanton (@jamestanton), who pretty regularly posts math problems that are sometimes easy enough that I … Continue reading
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Emmy on Suicide Prevention at TEDxMileHigh

In June, my wife Emmy Betz gave a fantastic TED talk at TEDxMileHigh about suicide prevention. The video of her talk is now up on YouTube, and I heartily recommend that everyone watch it. It’s a powerful talk about a … Continue reading

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We’re back! [sort of]

Due to a server problem, we lost our old website entirely. And the backups. So we’re restarting this website from scratch. We hope to get it up and running in the not-too-distant future, with links to family photos and periodic … Continue reading

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